Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Small Malaysian Men Are Cute

Two days ago we arrived in the Cameroon Highlands. The bus ride here was an adventure in and of itself. Of the 4 hours bus ride, the final 1 1/2 hours were spent on the curviest road in the history of the world. I am talking 360 degree S curves up a mountain where the bus driver is going full speed ahead AND passing cars while on the curve. Mind you, this is a 2 lane road. As bags were falling from the overhead rack to the floor and the seat of my chair was falling out of its tracking, I was trying to keep my stomach down. Colby however was too busy reading her book....

Anyways, after we arrived at our hostel we got a tour from the guy who works here who promptly told us that "It rains here...every day." Not heeding his advice on the adverse weather conditions, Colby and I decided to head out on a short little hike so that we could get a feel of the countryside and go to a strawberry farm as well. About 4 seconds after we exited the hiking trail, a downpour commenced. No no, not a downpour, a monsoon. Quickly donning the rain jackets and umbrellas we had brought with us, we sought shelter under a tree. The tree's shelter however quickly evaporated as the rain just got so hard that it was providing ZERO protection. Soooo, we decided to say fuck it and just start walking. As we were walking down the road, soaked from head to toes in every orifice of our being, we found a strawberry farm which said it was open. So, we decided to take refuge. However, the ostensibly open strawberry farm was completely deserted. As Colby and I began to poke around the shop, a small Malaysian man who spoke no English at all came over to inquire what two white girls were doing there. I mean, we did look rather bizarre after all. When he realized he was unable to communicate with us, he went and got another small Malaysian man who was next door to talk to us.

Together, the two small Malaysian men gave us tea and tried, desperately, to communicate with us. I am sure the sentence going through their heads were "Stupid Americans! Don't they know its monsooning!" Anyways, then the 2nd small Malaysian man, feeling really bad for us, drove us back to our hostel. Which, for the record, was far from around the corner. Yup, thats right, we got stranded in a monsoon and a small Malaysian man had to drive us home....


Suburban Sweetheart said...

This is how people get abducted in the U.S....

Mom S said...

Ok, I want to know how Colby was reading and not getting car-sick on that ride?