Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Night Before

Welcome to our blog where we will tell you all about our Asian Adventure! We will write more after we complete our 12 billion hours of traveling...
~Debra and Colby

P.S. If you are curious about Pierre, that's totally fair. In preparation for our departure our friend/wife/roommate Rachel Present decided that we needed to buy her multiple presents during our trip. Chief among the desired gifts was a pet monkey from Cambodia whom she lovingly named Pierre. Rachel imagined Colby and I waking up each morning, crying that she wasn't with us, and then having Pierre there to comfort us and remind us of how much we love her. Just for the record...Pierre doesn't actually exist...but then again we haven't been to Cambodia yet so I guess we will see! :) Stay tuned for more about Pierre, monks, rice patties, and random small Asian children...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Pierre? This is an Asian monkey! Shouldn't his name be something like Ping?