Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Mekong Delta: The Homestay

Well, as the title of this post aptly puts it, we have arrived in Cambodia after our voyage down the Mekong Delta! And what a voyage it was....

We will write more later (we're hungry!) but heres a quick taste of the Mekong....

Our first night on the Mekong was spent at at homestay. It was amazing. By far the highlight of our Mekong voyage at least in my book! After boarding our 3rd boat for the day (we were on a total of 10 boats in the past 3 days....this is a bit of a sore point...) we sailed off to this semi-deserted island. Arriving at said island, we were greeted by a ladder which didnt so much seem like it would support the weight of a feature, let along a bunch of backpackers and their crap. Anyways, after clammoring up said ladder (many more of these have been found since and I have to say, teh fact that they dotn collapse is quite impressive!) we were introduced to our host family for the evening.

Our host family (who all 7 of them combined spoke about 10 words of English...) were the nicest people ever. Together we cooked dinner and played an awesome game of charades whereby we (Colby and I) tried (successfully) to communicated to them that we were vegetarians. We proceeded to eat some of the best food we have had in Vietnam. DELICIOUS, which is super exciting because teh food in VIetnam was incredible disappointing (bland - no taste - booo).

Although the entire family was super nice, their son, Bo, was fantastic. 13 years old and well on his way to being ridiculously intelligent, he stayed up all night listening to us talk and trying to improve his English. He was so inquisitive and had us write down many words in English so he would know how to say and spell him. Obviously I loved him alot....me and my desire to steal an Asian baby...although Colby tells me I can't because they have owners :(

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